Mobile Legends Hayabusa Guide, Best Build, Skills, Emblem, Combos

Hayabusa is a decent character in Mobile Legends. To play efficiently with him, you need to learn everything about his abilities, combos and builds.

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Hayabusa’s Abilities

Hayabusa’s kit is a symphony of shadows and speed, perfectly tailored for the assassin Mobile Legends role.

  • Shadow Steps (Passive): This ability will increase his movement speed and physical penetration.
  • Kenjutsu: Shadow Blade (Skill 1): A versatile skill that allows Hayabusa to dash forward, dealing physical damage. This ability can be used twice consecutively, providing excellent maneuverability and offensive potential.
  • Kenjutsu: Shadow Blade (Skill 2): Similar to MLBB Skill 1, but with a backward dash. This skill offers strategic positioning and escape options, making it invaluable in various combat Mobile Legends scenarios.
  • Shadow Kill (Ultimate): Hayabusa’s signature ability, Shadow Kill, cloaks him in shadows, granting increased movement speed and the ability to create shadow clones. These ML clones explode upon contact with enemies, dealing substantial damage. By reactivating the skill, Hayabusa can teleport to the nearest shadow clone, catching opponents off guard and initiating devastating combos.

Perfect Hayabusa Build

A well-crafted build is paramount to maximizing Hayabusa’s effectiveness. While the meta is constantly evolving, the following Mobile Legends items generally provide a solid foundation:

  • Swift Boots: Essential for boosting movement speed, allowing Hayabusa to swiftly roam the map and engage in combat.
  • Malefic Roar: Increases physical penetration, ensuring that MLBB Hayabusa’s attacks pierce through enemy defenses.
  • Hunter Strike: Provides a combination of physical attack, cooldown reduction, and physical penetration, enhancing Hayabusa’s overall damage output and ability to sustain in fights.
  • Blade of Despair: A core item for Mobile Legends assassins, offering substantial physical attack and critical damage, particularly effective against low health enemies.
  • Endless Battle: This versatile Mobile Legends item grants physical attack, mana regeneration, cooldown reduction, and a lifesteal effect, making Hayabusa more resilient in prolonged fights.
  • Blade of Heptaseas: Provides physical attack, physical penetration, and true damage, further amplifying ML Hayabusa’s ability to shred through enemy defenses.

As you progress through a game, stay focused: take note of the enemies team composition and modify your build. If you’re facing a tanky lineup, consider items like Malefic Roar and Blade of Heptaseas to penetrate their armor.

Emblem and Talent Selection

The Assassin emblem is the optimal choice for Mobile Legends Hayabusa, as it offers attributes that synergize well with his skill set. The “High and Dry” talent is particularly effective, as it grants additional physical penetration and movement speed, enhancing Hayabusa’s ability to dominate the early game.

Devastating Combos

Hayabusa’s true potential lies in his ability to execute deadly Mobile Legends combos. Mastering these combinations is crucial for achieving consistent success.

  • Basic Combo: S1, S2, Basic, Ultimate, S1, S2, Basic. Ideal combo for maximizing damage output and securing kills.
  • Blink Combo: S1, S2, Ultimate, S1,  S2, Basic. Useful for initiating fights or escaping dangerous situations.

Practice these MLBB combos diligently in the practice mode to refine your timing and execution.

Tips for Hayabusa

  • Master Shadow Steps: Utilize the increased movement speed and physical penetration granted by Shadow Steps to outmaneuver opponents.
  • Perfect Shadow Kill: Timing is crucial for Shadow Kill. Use it to initiate ambushes, escape ganks, or secure kills.
  • Prioritize High-Value Targets: Focus on eliminating enemy carries like mages and marksmen to disrupt their team’s damage output.
  • Efficient Rotation: Roam the map effectively to secure kills, objectives, and assist teammates.
  • Patience is Key: Avoid rushing into fights without proper setup. Plan properly.

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