Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Pink Princess Philodendrons

The pink princess philodendron is famous for her heart-shaped leaf and green and pink variegation. The plant needs an adequate environment to maintain its lush colors. The overall health of the plant depends on its surroundings. Negligence from even one thing can damage the plant’s health. In this article, you will learn the 5 basic mistakes that most people make when taking care of the pink princess philodendron. 

Overwatering: A Common Culprit

While taking off the plant, overwatering is the most common mistake that every owner makes. It can damage the health of your plant and put the plant under stress. Over watering is the most common reason that plants die. 

Signs of Overwatering

The signs of overwatering can be seen visibly in the plant. The leaves and stem of the plant will be soggy and soft to the touch. The leaves of the plants will start to turn yellow. There will be spots on the leaves that could be a sign of fungal infection due to overwatering. There can be an unpleasant smell in the roots of the plant that can be an indicator of root rot. 


To treat the overwatering, place your plant in the bright sunlight. Stop watering the plant and let the roots fry first. Cut off the damaged parts of roots and leaves. Use only sterilized equipment or your plant can get infected. 

Prevention Tips

To prevent overwatering to the pink princess philodendron before watering check the soil. Let the first inch of soil dry. You can check the soil with your fingers. If the soil is still moist, wait for it to dry. Check the drainage holes of the pot to make sure there is no stay of unnecessary water.  

Insufficient Lighting: Dimming the Glow

The plant needs optimal light for its healthy growth. The overall health of the plant depends on the lighting availability he is getting. 

Importance of Proper Lighting

The variegation and overall vibrancy of the plant depend on the bright sunlight. The right bright light will encourage the green and pink coloration of the leaves whereas the low light will revert the process. Rotate your plant’s location as per the light requirement. The plant needs 4 to 5 hours of bright indirect sunlight daily. If the variegation of your plant starts to fade it’s a sign that your philodendron needs more light, however, more exposure to direct sunlight can cause leaves to burn. 

Optimizing Light Exposure

Place your plant where the indirect bright sunlight is available for 4 to 5 hours. You can set your plant towards the east-facing window and that spot is mostly ideal. If you do not have a good light spot for your plant you can use artificial plant lights. You can also try to set your plant outdoors. Observe the light pattern of your garden and set your plant under the tree for bright indirect sunlight. 

Ignoring Humidity Needs

The humidity works as the best source for your pink princess philodendron to keep the plant flourishing. 

Role of Humidity in Plant Health

The humidity plays a very vital role in the growth of the plant. The humidity is the level of moisture in the air. Every plant has its own need for humidity. The pink princess plant can do good in normal household humidity but enjoys more humid conditions if available. Less humidity can cause yellow and brown leaves and fade in color. The pink-green lush leaves of the plants are the indicators that your plant is happy and receiving perfect humid conditions. 

Maintaining Ideal Humidity Levels

You can maintain the humid conditions around your plant to keep it healthy and vibrant. Place your plant next to other plants that will provide them company and the humidity level will be increased. You can place a humidifier near your plant to provide extra humid conditions. Another way to increase the humidity around your plant is to place the pebble tray filled with water. You can try sphagnum moss and apply it to the soil. It will work as a natural blank for humidity. Change the humidity level according to season. In summer plants need the most humid conditions as compared to the winter. 

Neglecting Fertilization

The plant not only needs water to grow best but it also needs a proper balance of fertilizer to thrive best. Negligence in the fertilization of the plant can slow down the plant growth.

Fertilization Fundamentals

The fertilization plays an important role in the lush colors of the plant. Use fertilizer with equal ratios of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the 10-10-10 ratio. Use the fertilizer in the growing season of the plant that is spring and summer. Apply the fertilizer once a month. Do not apply the fertilizer directly into the dry soil; it can cause root damage. Water the plant first then apply the fertilizer. Stop using the fertilizer in winter and fall when the temperature starts to fall. 

Poor Pruning Practices

These pink princess philodendrons do not need much pruning but it can enhance the overall growth. The common poor practices like using infected tools, cutting unnecessary growth, and pruning at the wrong time can cause damage to the health of your plant. 

Benefits of Regular Pruning

The pruning of plants encourages healthy growth by removing the dead parts of the plant. It maintains the visual appearance and size of the plant. Printing also helps in pest control management. The bugs start to live on the leaves of the plants. The pruning helps to cut affected leaves. It can also enhance the health and life of the plant. 


The pink princess philodendron is a rare plant that needs specific care for best growth and long life. Every plant owner makes these mistakes once in a while unintentionally. The environment of the plant plays a crucial role in its growth. If one thing from the surroundings is not as per the need it can hugely impact your philodendron, make sure to keep the environment as per the needs of the plant. 

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